Like Knows Like Features One of Many

Our friends over at Like Knows Like wrote a short spotlight article about the One of Many Charleston essay, which features some not-yet-seen-before alternate shots of David Lee of Clementine Bikes, and Dan Latimer of Husk fame. Check it out here.

Make sure to check out Like Knows Like's incredible short documentaries about people they admire, like this one about graphic designer James Victore.

Stitch Design Co Blogs About One of Many

The talented team over at Stitch Design Co was instrumental in getting One of Many off the ground visually and in terms of branding. Together we collaborated on a logo, a visual identity and even the name*. 

Go here to read a blog post about how we met and ended up collaborating, from their perspective.

*The latter with invaluable assistance or Kary Campbell.

Launching One of Many

What Is One of Many About?

I am thrilled to announced the launch of One of Many, a 12-part series about creatives and their cities.

The series sets out to shine a light on a variety of cities across the US, and the vibrant communities that call them home. Instead of focusing on more obvious choices like NYC, SF and LA, I’m choosing to explore cities like Salt Lake City, Charleston, Savannah, and more.

The second topic of interest for One of Many is to capture the growing movement of people choosing the path less traveled, starting a business on their own or joining a small company where they can make a significant impact. The growing creative independent movement, along with renewed interest in life outside the big cities, is rapidly reshaping our economy and culture. I am excited to be capturing this in the field right as it's happening.

Partnership With Squarespace

Squarespace is a company that believes in the power of the individual, creating products that can help people bring their ideas to life. They are the platform of choice for countless creative independents and small businesses, many of whom based outside the big three cities. As a happy Squarespace customer myself, I recognized the strong alignment of our individual missions, and approached Squarespace about a possible partnership.

I'm thrilled to announced that they have come on board, and thank the great people over there for their support. Together, we hope to empower and encourage those already living the creative independent lifestyle – and inspire those considering it.