Laughing Squid Features One of Many
The wonderfully interesting art/tech/culture site Laughing Squid posted a feature on One of Many that left a big smile on my face. Thank you!
The wonderfully interesting art/tech/culture site Laughing Squid posted a feature on One of Many that left a big smile on my face. Thank you!
Vancouver-based artist Jeff Hamada runs Booooooom, one of my top favorite art blogs out there. He totally made my morning by featuring One of Many. I’ve been reading Booooooom for years, and I’m so pleased to be included. Make sure to check out all the other features and subscribe. Such wealth of goodness to be found.
The good folks at graphic design firm Under Consideration were kind enough to feature One of Many on their expertly curated blog. Check it out here, and make sure to spend some time on their website. One of the most innovative and diverse firms out there. Thank you Armin!
The good folks at Exposure were kind enough to select the One of Many - Charleston essay as their Staff Pick. Thrilled and honored!
My Studiomate Yoko is responsible for the beautiful hand-lettered One of Many city names and wrote a short post about it on her blog.
Image via Yoko's blog.
The wonderful Swiss Miss Tina Roth Eisenberg posted some very kind words about One of Many, and included three previously unpublished portraits of David Lee, Diego Castro Oliva and Kate Nevin. These shots were not part of the original Charleston essay, and you can check them out here. Thank you Tina!
Our friends over at Like Knows Like wrote a short spotlight article about the One of Many Charleston essay, which features some not-yet-seen-before alternate shots of David Lee of Clementine Bikes, and Dan Latimer of Husk fame. Check it out here.
Make sure to check out Like Knows Like's incredible short documentaries about people they admire, like this one about graphic designer James Victore.